Logistics Park Solution

Leading Smart Logistics Park Solution provider in UAE and Oman with added layers of intelligence such as cloud computing, IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence, helping operators to enhance personnel management, vehicle management, site management, and goods management. Global growth in the transportation of goods brings new challenges but also great opportunities for the logistics industry. Security and operations requirements are changing, while new technologies open entirely new ways to monitor and control the physical side of logistics. Here is where IoT can fundamentally change the game and gain additional value for your business.

Improve security & safety

With globalization, the complexity of logistics is growing and so is the demand for security. Where human surveillance reaches its limits, camera systems can close security gaps within supply chains. The latest camera technology and intelligent software algorithms analyze video footage directly in the camera. Real dangers can be reliably distinguished from apparent dangers so that false alarms can be avoided.

Alongside this and other security-related applications for preventing criminal activity like theft and burglary, smart camera systems can also help increase safety along the supply chain.

Improve logistics and warehouse operations

Nobody can keep an eye on all processes in a large logistics hub with plenty of warehouses at the same time. Computer vision in combination with video analysis enables security cameras to support wherever the human eye reaches its limits, e.g. in monitoring and detect vehicles.

Smart camera systems equipped with license plate recognition detect incoming and outgoing trucks. In this way, warehouse managers ensure that only authorized vehicles get access to transshipment points or warehouses.